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Flower & Gift Delivery by Local Florists throughout Canada
Flower Delivery - Today!
Our network of florists specialize in same-day flower delivery to ensure you can send a quality gift almost anywhere in Canada and as quickly as possible. This also ensures fresh flowers for long-lasting appeal.
This is the ideal service when you need lovely arranged flowers for a special occasion or if timing is important for (say) sympathy flowers. There are a large range of bouquets, roses, arrangements and gift baskets available for delivery.
To save you time and worry, Petals is able to take your order for these great flowers and gifts on this website. Same day flower delivery is simple with our easy to use website.
Next Day Flower Delivery
We also have a range of 'next-day' flower suppliers and gift specialists. Our suppliers use reliable services like FedEx to deliver your flowers. Our suppliers provide competitively priced products because they are sourced directly from growers. These are ideal when speed is not so important and where you don't want to send arranged or speciality flowers.
We will direct you to each vendor's website so you can see their full range of flowers and gifts. You'll be able to place your order directly with them, saving you time.
Send Flowers & Gifts for All Occasions
We have assembled a range of exciting non-floral gifts for all occasions as well. Gifts are available for all occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, special events and celebrations.
To make it easy for you, we have classified these gifts by age and gender and by various types of event.
We will direct you to each vendor's website so you can see their full range. You will place your order directly with them, saving you time!
Handy Flower Delivery and Gift Services
We have several other great free flower and gifting services.
Our Frequent Buyers Club gives return buyers a discount on all purchases of same day flower deliveries.
We also have a free email reminder service in the Club that will prompt you to remember important occasions and can refresh your memory of previous flowers to your important people.
The Petals Experience - Worldwide Flower Delivery
The Petals Network has been operating in Canada and around the world since 1992! Over the years we have won numerous prestigious business awards for our flower delivery services. (Click for more)
We pride ourselves on our customer service and over time some customers have provided us with testimonials to show how appreciative they are of our service (click so see testimonials). If you wish to add a testimonial please contact us as we would love to hear from you.